Integrative lighting
An analysis of the influence of lighting on the circadian rhythm of people with visual impairments
Integrative lighting, Circadian rhythm, Visual impairmentAbstract
The circadian cycle can be considered the internal biological clock of living beings and it is through it that our organism perceives and prepares itself for the changes that occur during the day and at night. Well-thought-out lighting meets visual needs and optimizes the behavioral, psychological and biological responses of those who occupy the space. However, there is a question about integrative lighting and the impact on the circadian cycles of people with visual impairment, since exposure to light It is an important factor in synchronizing the biological clock. This article aims to verify the impact of lighting on everyday life and its influence on the circadian cycle of people with visual impairment. For this purpose, following the systematic literature review (SLR) methodology, articles were selected from different databases that address some points of the topic discussed. Research has identified that the incidence of disorders in the circadian cycle is related to the degree of visual acuity, therefore, it is important that therapeutic strategies are aligned, just as it is essential to have a space suitable for the conditions of these people.
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