Sound mapping on the seafront at Ponta Verde during the carnival celebrations
Acoustic comfort, Simulated façades, Sound mapping, Environmental noise, Software CADNA-AAbstract
Maceió's carnival stands out for the carnival blocks that gather mainly on the seafront, where various activities and celebrations take place to entertain and promote local culture. This research aims to analyse the noise impact of carnival in this region, with a focus on the urban environment, by means of urban noise mapping and simulations on the façades of a residential building. The methodology used involved collecting physical and sound data from the site. In the second stage, sound measurements were taken at different points during a party day, followed by the insertion of this data into CADNA-A software to obtain graphical representations of the acoustic scenario. The data obtained was compared with the corresponding standards, showing sound pressure levels above what is recommended. The results indicated that noise levels were high in both external and internal spaces, emphasising the importance of quality of life for pedestrians and residents. It can be concluded that there is a contradiction of uses, since although the Ponta Verde waterfront is residential, there are public and private interests in promoting events that generate a noisy noise environment.
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