Implementation of BIM in architectural education
guidelines for modeling manual
Architecture and urbanism, Building information modelling, Education, Project stagesAbstract
This article portraits an experience report through the development of guidelines for a modeling manual for a Building design subject. The pilot study was conducted in a Architecture and Urbanism undergraduate course, specifically in the Vertical Buildings of the 6th semester. A literature review was conducted on the use of Building Information Modelling (BIM) in the teaching of Architecture and Urbanism, identifying the criteria for determining the Level of Development of the virtual model at each design stage. Additionally, the syllabus was analyzed to identify the objectives of each step of the design process and the requirements for delivering the architectural product. As a result, there is the development of a specific BIM modelling manual for the building design subject. It was noted that the manual provided clear guidelines on the level of development of an accurate virtual model, based on a detailed analysis of the requirements of each design stage and the instructional objectives of the discipline. Therefore, the study contributed to the teaching-learning process, given that it clearly displayed what should be modeled at each stage of a high-rise building project.
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