EnergyPlus, Computer Simulation, Parametric Settings, Computer ApplicationAbstract
Energy consumption of the residential building sector has been increasing in Brazil, faced with this scenario, scientific research must contribute to establish and define consumption without overlooking thermal comfort. The evaluation of the building performance is measured – among other forms – by a computer simulation process, according to a previously defined climatic context. In order to carry out the simulations, The Department of Energy of the United States of America developed the EnergyPlus software, which allows to analyze the levels of energy efficiency and thermal comfort in buildings. The use of EnergyPlus must contribute to establish and define for projects involving a high number of simulations and manipulation of a great number of files by the tool, which does not present additional functionalities for generating large quantities of simulation files with differences in their settings. For example in the case of aiding optional design strategies. This work proposes the development of a tool IDFModifier capable of optimizing, redefining and facilitating the parametrization of computational simulations carried out by EnergyPlus, to present visual alternatives to the results of these simulations according to the user and designer’s interests from a case study.
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