volume, plan, architecture, teaching methodologyAbstract
This article describes a methodological strategy that makes it possible to discuss plastic aspects of architectural form, namely, modern abstractions related to volume and plan (surface). Such methodology consists of theoretical expositions, debates and the elaboration of four exercises of threedimensional creation. The article presents the theoretical contents that precede the elaboration of the four proposed exercises. Then it describes them and discusses how they trigger the understanding of abstract concepts related to volume and plan. It also clarifies other related pedagogical content: visualization of spatial possibilities, understanding of principles of composition discussed by Gestalt theory, development of the capacity for representation (both through drawing and the elaboration of physical models) and understanding of tectonic issues. Such a methodological strategy has been implemented in the discipline Páastica 1, Curso de Arquitetura e Urbanismo, Universidade Federal de Uberlândia.
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