From POE to the project
two educational experiences in a shopping mall food court
Commercial architecture, Post-Occupancy Assessment (POE), Architectural design, Environmental quality, Covid-19 pandemicAbstract
This article deals with experiences lived in the Postgraduate course in Architecture, Project, and Environment from UFRN, developed by an optional curricular component in an integrated way to the activities developed by the research “Post-Occupancy Evaluation of commercial environments: Studies in commercial spaces and shopping centers”. It objectived to propose design solutions based on the analysis of the use of space in the Food Court of Midway Mall, in Natal/RN, based on the spatial limitations imposed in the different periods of the Sars-Cov-2 pandemic, which affected the flows, occupations, sensations and environmental comfort of the users. It is noteworthy that the research started during the SARS-Cov-19 pandemic, which conditioned the performance of some APO methodological procedures: field activities in the remote format. However, such difficulties motivated this interdisciplinary experience experienced by students of the Architecture and Urbanism course at UFRN and by the research team, composed of professors and scientific initiation scholarship holders. The methodology was based on remote classes and lectures (synchronous activities), measurements and visits to the site (synchronous activities), reading of bibliographical references and elaboration of didactic-pedagogical material (asynchronous activities) and joint orientations, in remote mode. At the end of the semester, the students developed final proposals for the curricular components, based on the registration during the activities, resulting in solutions that meet the new needs of the enterprise and its users.
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