Use of interface coefficients in the design of permeable pavements
On-Lot Drainage, Stormwater Management, Permeable Pavement, Scientific AnalogyAbstract
ABSTRACT: Permeable pavements are components that allow the water infiltration into the soil and help to attenuate the peak flow in the urban network, contributing to the on-lot drainage management. The dimensioning of these systems is complex, since it is difficult to model the phenomena that occurs in the interfaces among their components, the air in the soil voids and the soil. In this paper it was proposed the use of interface coefficients for the representation of these phenomena, which are analogous to thermal resistance in the heat flux in solid media. The interface coefficients were obtained in an experimental permeable pavement using flows between 3,23 m3/h and 13,05m3/h. The Buckingham PI Theorem was used for the formulation of the interface coefficients’ equations, with the selection of the equation with the highest coefficient of correlation with the measured data. Finally, the equation of the filling time of the gravel layer under the permeable pavement was determined. The values of the filling times were not significantly different from the experimental data, considering the t-paired test for the significance level of 2%, which indicates the adherence of the proposed equations and resulting in an alternative for the permeable pavement sizing
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