Control of runoff in urban allotments by stormwater infiltration dry-wells
Stormwater, Dry-Well, runoff control, Source Drainage, Urban flooding, On-lot drainageAbstract
ABSTRACT: The growing process of urbanization intensifies the waterproofing surfaces of cities resulting in impacts on the water balance and increase of urban flooding. This phenomenon is associated with a runoff increase and a concentration time reduction, which results in higher flow peaks in the contribution basin. Source drainage systems aim to reestablish or preserve the water balance in built-up areas, promoting the retention or detention of incident rainfall. Thus, using a hypothetical urban allotment, 4 implementation scenarios were evaluated, considering different installations of dry-wells in built-up areas and reference scenarios (natural and urbanized land without any drainage system). The dry-wells were implemented individually and collectively and the reduction in peak flow and increase in concentration time was compared. It was noted that the dry-wells collective implementation had a greater impact on runoff control, reducing the flow volume more efficiently, and that the dry-wells implemented individually in the lots were the ones that most decreased the peak flow.
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