Desafios na aplicação da sustentabilidade nas compras públicas
retrofit do sistema de iluminação em instituição de ensino superior
Public building, Lighting retrofit, SustainabilityAbstract
Sustainability is a growing demand in the consumption of products and in the operation of buildings and must be prioritized in the retrofit of lighting systems. However, when it comes to efficient lighting systems, the comparison between different LED luminaires is complex and there are many challenges found in public procurement, which require a public competition between suppliers. The objective of the present investigation was to understand how to replace different lighting technologies in a sustainable way, through public bidding, having the classrooms of the CAD 3 building of UFMG as object of study. The methodology involved the study of the existing legislation for bidding in public construction and the application in the case study. For this, it was made selection of suppliers of LED luminaires, sizing of parts through the lumen method and computer simulation to meet the NBR ISO/CIE 8995:2013, analysis of the energy efficiency of the project according to the INI-C and verification of the overall cost. It was understood that LED luminaires have several different characteristics from each other to different suppliers, which requires the design of a project for each supplier. The study concluded that the replacement of light sources requires a holistic analysis and that the bidding should be made based on the most efficient lighting design, and not only by the analysis of the luminaire.
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