Analysis of daylight availability in a classroom by tubular daylight devices using climate-based simulation
daylighting, tubular daylighting device, climate-based daylight simulation, classroomAbstract
Studies have sought to characterize great daylight, pointing out that the combination of quality and distribution of this light influences the perception of comfort. Therefore, this paper aims to investigate the daylight availability metrics in a classroom located at the School of Architecture at the Federal University of Minas Gerais. Currently, the distribution of daylight is limited in the classroom due to the obstruction of the surrounding. The methodology used the Climate Based Daylight Modelling (CBDM), with the aid of the ClimateStudio plug-in and the Rhinoceros 3D software, carried out in two stages: 1. To ascertain the current daylighting condition of the space; and 2. proposal for the installation of tubular daylighting. The parameters adopted for the avaluation were the Average Illuminance (Eavg), the Spatial Daylight Autonomy (sDA), and the Useful Daylight Illuminance (UDI). Consequently, the first simulation proved to be consistent with the real situation experienced by the occupants. In the second simulation, the insertion of two tubular daylighting allowed the achievement of daylight autonomy. However, due to limitations for the installation of tubular daylighting, adapting the classroom to new uses proved to be an alternative solution.
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