Gamification in Civil Engineering Teaching:
Comparison between Beginners and Advanced Students
games, teaching, students, management, civil engineeringAbstract
Gamification has proven to be an alternative method for teaching civil engineering, especially in subjects where practices are difficult to experience during graduation, such as planning and management. Given the games available in the literature, the authors decided to apply a game to teach the balance line technique in two different classes: construction management students and students in the initial phase of the course. The study's objective was to collect relevant information for improving the applied game, based on the differences observed between the two groups of participants. Among the main differences identified, it was found that less experienced students demonstrated greater attention to the rules and less concern about their roles within the game. On the other hand, more advanced students in the course exhibited greater problem-solving skills, better performance in the proposed tasks, and a greater understanding of their leadership roles. This study highlights the importance of the constant adaptation and improvement of alternative tools applied in engineering education, considering the target audience.
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