Swinging on the net: Digital architecture and the influence of social media on design process
Architectural Design, Design Process, Digital Social Networks, Communication TechnologyAbstract
The ongoing process of solidifying social media as one of the primary modes of human communication carries with it the potential for social transformation, the multifaceted implications of which are challenging to assess. The active use of social media is substantiated by data such as the latest census conducted by the Conselho de Arquitetura e Urbanusmo (CAU), which identified that 94% of architects utilize Instagram. Thus, this article aims to discuss how this powerful communication media can influence and what roles it plays in the complex architectural design process. The study presents itself as an applied, exploratory research employing a mixed-method approach. The primary data collection tool utilized was the administration of surveys, which obtained as respondents a sample of over a hundred architects and architecture students from all over Brazil. As a general result, a remarkable awareness of this influence was perceived among the professionals surveyed, particularly within the portion of the sample belonging to Generation Z. Furthermore, indications were observed regarding how these tools have integrated into the design process and professional practices.
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