Comparative study between sufficiency of primary ventilation or need for secondary ventilation
Plumbing Systems, Sewage Drainage, Ventilation, Trap sealsAbstract
ABSTRACT: Drainage Sewage building systems (DSBS) must properly and safely collect and convey waste from sanitary appliances to their appropriate destination. Additionally, it is crucial to prevent the return of gases produced within the pipelines into the sanitary areas. To ensure this protection, it is necessary to correctly design the ventilation subsystem, which can be primary or secondary according to NBR 8160 (ABNT, 1999). In this context, the objective of this study was to analyze the influence of the number of floors and ambient temperature on determining the type of ventilation to be used in the building. For this purpose, the DSBS was dimensioned using the hydraulic method, followed by the dimensioning of the ventilation subsystem, considering the two types mentioned in the standard, in order to compare the obtained results. It was found that the need for secondary ventilation varies depending on the number of floors in the building. Moreover, it was observed that trap seals can be compromised in environments with higher temperatures. It is essential to consider the specificities of each project, such as the number of floors and environmental conditions, in order to ensure the efficiency and safety of DSBS.
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