Análise de tempos produtivos e improdutivos em uma obra horizontal por meio de simulação computacional


  • Lucio Schiavon Yamamoto Universidade Federal de São Carlos (UFSCar)
  • André Vivan <p>Universidade Federal de Itajubá</p>
  • Sheyla Mara Baptista Serra Universidade Federal de São Carlos- UFSCar



Construção puxada, produtividade, processos, desperdício de tempo, modelagem


ne of the causes of waste in construction may be the failure to plan production processes in which activities that represent physical flows are not normally considered. Nevertheless, these are fundamental activities for the production process development and may represent the waiting of service, the displacement of workers and the materials transportation. According to the lean mindset, flow activities do not add value to the work product and should be optimized to reduce waste. Thus, by considering the principles of pull construction, the conversion activities for both services were studied and simulated: structural masonry and on-site slab using ProModel® software. The real data of a project were obtained, and the computer simulation was performed for two planning scenarios. It was concluded that the methods related to pulled construction actually added efficiency and speed to the work, reducing delays and service inventories, since it was verified a reduction of 24,13% in the delivery of the activities when it was simulated without optimizations and 54,55% in the delivery time of the work with the optimizations proposed by the software.


Não há dados estatísticos.




Como Citar

YAMAMOTO, Lucio Schiavon; VIVAN, André; SERRA, Sheyla Mara Baptista. Análise de tempos produtivos e improdutivos em uma obra horizontal por meio de simulação computacional. In: SIMPÓSIO BRASILEIRO DE GESTÃO E ECONOMIA DA CONSTRUÇÃO, 11., 2019. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: ANTAC, 2019. p. 1–7. DOI: 10.46421/sibragec.v11i00.42. Disponível em: Acesso em: 2 out. 2024.



Gestão de Processos Construtivos e Melhoria da Produtividade

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